At 94, the Pioneering Lee ShinJa Weaves a New Tradition for Feminist Textile Art

Creating an inviting kitchen is essential for the entire family because it promotes togetherness and improves the overall atmosphere of the home. An appealing kitchen encourages family members to gather, share meals, have meaningful conversations, and simply hang out together. It becomes the center of a busy home life, where…

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Designing a kitchen is a complex process that requires careful planning and consideration in order to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing space. Many homeowners, and even designers, make kitchen design mistakes that disrupt the room’s flow, style, and efficiency. From poor lighting choices to inadequate storage, these mistakes can…

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Honey oak cabinets were a staple in homes from the 1980s to 1990s. They feature a warm honey color that tends to turn orange as they age. It’s no secret that honey oak isn’t a popular cabinet color at the moment, but that doesn’t mean you have to rip out…

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Why do some people have no problem keeping a clean home 24/7, while others can’t even keep the laundry done when all other things (like work) are equal? While you might think the first group enjoys cleaning, the answer often lies in habit. People with always-clean homes don’t necessarily spend…

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As we look ahead to 2024 and beyond, the world of countertops will embrace innovative yet durable options that reflect the natural and relaxing aesthetic of the moment. The new countertop trends are as diverse as the people who choose them. Homeowners and designers are increasingly looking for materials that…

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The pantry is an excellent place to store kitchen staples, but there are bound to be some that spoil faster than you think or should never have been there in the first place. A pantry is a difficult space to keep organized. If your kitchen pantry is like most people’s,…

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